Student Council Gimlekollen

The Student Council consists of class representatives from campus Gimlekollen in Kristiansand. The Student Council is lead by a internally elected president and vice-president. 

The Student Council represents students in cases related to learning environment which affects Gimlekollen, and are responsible for the social environment and student welfare at Gimlekollen. 

Do you want to sit in the council or have a case which you want us to discuss, contact oss at

Contact us




Bergtoras vei 120, 4633 Kristiansand


Paul Henrik Gaalaas-Hansen, president in the Student Council

Thomas Sevrin Topstad, vice-president in the Student Council, representative i Kristiansand municipality`s student council

Marius Alexander Thomassen, representative in Velferdstinget i Agder

Malin Heggebø Rolfsen, representative in Læringsmiljøutvalget